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YAMAHA RAV304, RAV306, RAV307, RAV309 pilot zastępczy z tym samym opisem

Pilot zastępczy Yamaha do HIFI. BEZ WPROWADZANIA KODY. Dla modeli: HTR-5940, RX-V459. RX-V457, RX-V100D

102.0 zł (23 €)
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Koszt doręczenia:
12 zł
Wysyłamy Pocztą Polską
Indeks handlowy: X4606#RAV304repl_dor
Customer inquiries  Write a question
Does this remote fully function the Yamaha RX V100D, without coding?


Csaba Lebbenszki
Jó napot!
Yamaha KX-690-hez milyen távirányítót tud ajánlani?

Bohumil Vesely
This remote control will work with your model without programming or codes.
Thank you for your question
Bohumil Veselý EMERX team

Cugnot hubert
Good morning

I own a Yamaha RX-V457. I want to know which remote control I should take. Is there a manufacturer code needed to make it work?

Bohumil Vesely
This remote control will work with your model without programming or codes.
Thank you for your question
Bohumil Veselý EMERX team

Bohumil Vesely
This remote control will work with your model without programming or codes.
Thank you for your question
Bohumil Veselý EMERX team

boyd blair
does this mean that you can use it straight away without entering codes? like all the buttons corresponds to its function?

Bohumil Vesely
Yes remote control does not need codes. And buttons have same description as original.
Thank you for your question.
Bohumil Veselý EMERX team

1) What is meant by "without entering codes"
2) Are the buttons labelled with the same text as the original Yamaha RAV 304 remote
3) What is shipping cost to South Africa
4) Is this the only direct replacement you can supply for the RAV 304

Bohumil Vesely
1- you can not must enter a code for start the function.
2- you can see the replacement remote control on our picture.
3- we use Czech post for sendig, delivery time is about one month.
4- yes only this one
Thank you for your questions.
Bohumil Veselý
EMERX team


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YAMAHA RAV304, RAV306, RAV307, RAV309 pilot zastępczy z tym samym opisem 102.0 zł
Cena dostawy i płatności: 0.0 zł
Suma: 102.0 zł